Monday, July 7, 2008

Home Roast - Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Golocha

Last night, I roasted the next bag from the Sweet Maria's sampler that my wife gave me for my birthday. Here's what the bag read:
Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Golocha
At Full City. A rustic cup with very heavy body, dried apricot, hint herbs, tobacco, bittersweet finish, modest acidity

This roasting experience was markedly different than the last couple that I'd done. First, the beans had a lot more empty shells than I'd ever seen before. As the roasting progressed, these shells quickly turned into a great deal of chaff. Because of this, I pushed the beans to a darker color than I'd ever done, mainly because I was concerned about the quality of the beans. I figured it was better to roast more heavily (though I probably finished with a full city level anyway).

It seemed that some of the beans darkened very quickly, while most seemed to take much longer. I started to be concerned that the roast wouldn't taste very good because of this, as it seemed I was going to end up with some over-roasted beans amongst the majority.

The cracking was rather frequent and pronounced with this batch, continuing all the way to the end when I turned off the burner.

I brewed up a first batch this morning, and it's pretty good. There's much less of an oil taste than the last bean I did. It kind of tastes more like coffees I buy already roasted. I'm not sure if that's because of the bean variety, or how dark I roasted this batch.

When I buy more coffee beans, I'll have to try roasting a given bean type two or more times, so I can start to gauge the difference between the type of bean and the effect of roasting to different degrees.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I found a blog by Sweet Maria's, including this post for the same bean that I just roasted.

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